At the beginning..

Martegani was born in 1891 by Piero Martegani who was a leather trader.
He loved his work very much but he loved the world of footwear even more so much so that in 1891 he had the opportunity to take over a company in Legnano together with some partners and from here he began his journey in the world of footwear.

Over time, with great efforts and sacrifices, Martegani created what is now synonymous with luxury shoes, handmade, made in Italy.Martegani made custom-made shoes for all the nobles of that time and everyone's aspiration was to go to his shop. Over time, with great efforts and sacrifices, Martegani created what is now synonymous with luxury shoes, handmade, made in Italy.

Corti family

The Martegani history crosses over at a certain point with the history of the Corti family who relaunched the brand and industrialized it but always recovering the origins of manufacturing.

Each shoe produced in the Martegani factory is produced with the love and attention necessary to make each product unique.